That escalated quickly, introduction to longboarding
5 Days, 0-100 It was only 5 days ago that a colleague mentioned to me that he was interested in buying an electric longboard, I can't remember the exact route after that but me being a maker thought I could probably build my own one for a lot cheaper than a per built one. So after many obsessive hours of scouring ebay and aliexpress I calculated that I could make my own (version 1) from nothing to fully built for well under £200, my best guess is the range and top speed will be much lower that a boosted board but being v1 I'd be willing to take the risk of making a slow but usable board for £170 and change. So then after costing up the parts my attention shifted from the electronics to building the longboard itself and the fact that the decks can be made fairly easily, after many more hours of watching youtube 'longboard diy deck' videos and a trip to B&Q I've decided I can build my own deck too, once I find space to build it. So that's right, within th...